Pet Peeves, or . . . My Rants
Road Rage
- When someone pulls out in front of you and then doesn't accelerate to match the speed of traffic, instead of waiting for a natural break, or just putting their foot down a bit on the go pedal. This is doubly annoying when you are moving at highway speed, not to mention dangerous. Triply annoying is when you are in the fast lane, the slow lane is clear of traffic, and the offender insists on moving into your lane, as if to deliberately block you.
- When you are in a line at a traffic light, and the person at the head of the line just sits there after the light has changed to Green, as if they aren't sure if it's really OK to go ahead and go through the intersection. I can fully understand and sympathise with a certain hesitation, to be sure some bozo won't come screaming through the intersection after the light has changed and center punch you to pain, mutilation, and possibly an early death. But, the traffic control for every intersection is timed, and more than a momentary hesitation just impedes everyone behind you.
- You're driving through town on surface streets, and someone driving along in front of you keeps slowing nearly or completely to a stop at every intersection, regardless of whether or not it has a yield sign, stop sign, or no sign at all, anywhere close. Or just insists on driving well below the posted speed limit, for no discernable reason.
- Anyone who slows way down to turn left, while still in the traffic lane, while there is a clearly marked left turn lane between them and where they are turning to. That's exactly what left turn lanes are for. It's why God created them. Or, worse, when someone turns left across traffic from the right hand lane.
- When someone driving an suv in front of you insists on slowing to a crawl when crossing railroad tracks, regardless of how 'not' raised they are. I thought the point of suv's is that they can handle (by design) less than perfectly smooth surfaces with ease. Same for parking lot entrances.
- People who won't use the turn signal properly. As in, in the middle of a turn, or after moving to the turn lane, is too late. 'Before' is when you should signal, not during or after.
- People who either deliberately or ignorantly park using two parking spaces, especially when there is limited parking space.
- People who for some reason display the United States flag (Old Glory), but can't be bothered to give it the respect it deserves by keeping it clean and whole and off the ground. It should be a sign of respect and patriotism to display it, but when it's ragged, or dirty, or otherwise insulted, it's effectively the opposite. Come to think of it, any national flag should be treated with respect. It just particularly grates on my nerves when it's MY national flag. If you feel you have to insult it, say by burning it, you have just earned automatic negative bonus points.
- Web sites that are full of flashy design tricks that make it hard to get to the content, or turn out to have no useful content despite promising looks. Actually, bad web design in general. Good web design is easy to use, fast to load, looks good, and has something worth seeing. This site may or may not meet all those criteria, but I try.
- SPAM,SPAM,SPAM,SPAM,SPAM,SPAM. Anyone you know, or ever met, likes spam? Or even doesn't hate spam? If I want something, or want to know something, I will look for it. Same for telemarketers. Just leave me alone. I promise I will acclimate to the virtually empty email box and lack of ringing from the phone just fine without therapy, probably. I like to imagine a world without spam and telemarketers. I may be crazy, but I'm not alone. Apologies to Mr. Lennon.
- People who behave as if they know everything but in reality know very little. And prove it under pressure, but still won't admit it.
- People who ask for advice then dismiss it offhand without a trial, then want another suggestion, etc, etc..
- People who ask a question or advice, then before you have a chance to answer them, turn to someone else.
- Dogs that constantly bark at strangers (meaning ME). Generally small dogs are worse than medium or large dogs. I like dogs well enough, unless they won't shut up, or if they threaten and/or attack me. Then I don't like them nearly as much.
- Food Service people who get your order wrong, then make out as if it's YOUR fault.
Copyright 1998-2006 Wesley Moore
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Wesley Moore [ ] Created: 3/17/06 Updated: 4/26/07